What is this?

Conventional truth is the set of beliefs and values that are widely shared and accepted within a given society. It refers to the shared understandings and perspectives of a particular culture or group, which are reinforced through social structures, norms, and institutions. It is distinct from ultimate truth, which is often seen as that which is beyond human understanding. Conventional truth is more terrestrial, reflecting human experience and knowledge as understood within a particular culture or context. It is constantly evolving, influenced by changing perspectives and conditions.

See also: scientific revolution, western enlightenment, conceptual framework, dependent origination, provisional truth

The Ontology of the Soul, and the Soul of Ontology ( ... inevitably) - (In Psyche's Orchard) 20 mentions

The Image of Ethics (Part 5) - (In Psyche's Orchard) 2 mentions

The Union of Appearance and Emptiness - (Meditation on Emptiness) 1 mention

Realizing the Nature of Mind - (IMS Forest Refuge) 1 mention